E62: Spill The TEA - Inaugural Edition

We Let Loose On Things That Make Us CRAZY!

Warning: This episode is different. It's an epic bitch session. And we curse a lot - well that's no different than usual... Not your usual Tuesday on the Gloss Over Podcast. We let loose on all the things that are on top of our mind that are driving us crazy. In a momentary lapse of reasoning, we let our ego do the talking and go in the gutter for 62.

There are so many things we don't understand: assholes, traffic bullshit, ill-behaved children, Mitch McConnell, polarizing conversations like sharpies for Alabama, the intensity of politics and living in Washington, DC, flaky people say they are gonna do something and don't, people who expect free work, people who constantly talk about how busy they are ("find someone who isn't busy, I triple-dog-dare-you"), people who take credit for other people's work, people who talk about their team's work like they are the sole party responsible for its accomplishments (there is no I in team, asshole).

What tea do you have to spill?!


Released on October 1, 2019


E63: Caroline Does Istanbul


E61: Break Ups